Depuis 2012, je traduis des albums jeunesse du français vers l’anglais deux fois par an pour les Éditions Mijade lorsque cette maison d’édition belge se prépare aux foires de Bologne (au printemps) et de Francfort (à l’automne). C’est un vrai plaisir de trouver les mots et les équivalences, de faire chanter ces textes poétiques pour que le génie de la langue française soit transmis en langue anglaise. En 2020, ça fait déjà plus de 130 albums traduits !
Since 2012, I translate children's books for Mijade, a wonderful children's book publisher based in Namur, Belgium. Twice a year, as they prepare for the children's book fairs in Bologna (in the spring) and Frankfort (in the fall), I have the pleasure of translating texts often resembling poetry! Finding the cultural and linguistic equivalents using very few words is a mind-blowing challenge. After Bologna 2020, the count is past 130 picture books!
From 2016 to 2018, I taught a translation course entitled Translation Theory and Practice at American University in Washington, DC. It was a wonderful experience teaching in the Department of World Languages and Cultures.
Lucilinburhuc's Treasure
Marie-Isabelle Callier
Édtions Schortgen, 2017
On Luxembourg City’s pirate ship playground, while two brothers pretend to be daring pirates, they discover an old parchment complete with treasure map. They set off on a treasure hunt, but before long, get into a fight. Each one goes his own way and hopes to get there first. Mysteries and maps lead to their discovery of the city and its history. But it is only when they reunite and join forces that the two brothers succeed in finding its incredible treasure.